Bringing it indoors

The 100% precipitation today inspired me to do some indoor gardening.
All the houseplants have come in for good and I am experimenting with grow lights. 

Growing oregano in water. The cuttings root very easily and new leaves are growing too. I am pinching it every so often so the plant can get bushier. 

New leaf on peace lily plant. This one has gotten pretty big and the leaves are enormous. 

Ursula the Monstera Deliciosa. I pruned this plant a little more. I've had it for 3 years and it's still kickin'. 

Attempting to make a bonsai tree out of a red cedar pine cutting. I can't tell how it's doing. It is slowly losing its needles and I'm not sure if it's because of the natural growth cycle or because it's dying. But I'll keep looking after it until the Spring. 

Jade succulent is getting very leggy and the stems are turning brown and getting thicker. I am slowly pinching away to make it bushier and make it a bonsai.

I've got a few aquaponic projects going - spider plants, oregano and avocado seed. I just started a sub-irrigated planter with mesclun greens mix. Will post pictures once they sprout. 


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