Growing an White Organic Onion From an Onion Bulb or "set"

I bought an organic white onion from Fresh Direct but didn't get to eat it in time. I left it in the plastic bag that it came in and overtime the humidity in the bag and being in a dark drawer confused the onion and caused it to sprout and small roots growing on the bottom end.

Upon my research, the green onion or scallion is just a baby version of an onion. It can be harvested when it grows about 5 inches. So the green sprouts on the bulb are technically scallions! And it is confirmed cuz I just bit into it.

Seeing anything sprout is always exciting for me and of course I wanted to grow it. Growing an onion set (which means the entire bulb), should take about 70-80 days for maturity.

Potted into the soil and leaving just the green sprouts showing. 

Will see what it does in a few weeks. 80 day countdown begins now! 


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