New growths
Ursula the monstera deliciosa plant has been growing a bunch of new leaves. I have pruned it a couple of times to gift to friends. They are pretty easy to propagate. It seems to sprout more during the tail end of summer.
My dwarf lemon tree is doing OK. It's growing more leaves and sprouting more from the soil now than in the dead of summer. The smaller leaves have a slight lemon-y scent to it.
I am soooo happy I finally got this peace lily to bloom after having it for 2 years without any blooms. A little compost tea lovin' did the trick. Now I have to try and get the other plant to bloom.
In the next month or so when the weather dips below 60 degrees I'm going to have to bring these guys in. I am pretty excited to have an indoor jungle... I just need to find the right places for them.
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