Dendrobium Orchid
I received this orchid from a photoshoot in late February. All the flowers had been cut but I wanted to take it to see if I could keep it alive and make it flower again. I was soooo excited when I saw a stem shoot up and little buds form. It has small deep purple flowers, very pretty!
Since I took this picture, the buds have gotten a little bigger and maybe in the next week or so I will have new blooms.
The new shoots popping up from the bottom have gotten very long. Maybe those will sprout new stems for flowers too.
The orchid is placed on a Northwest window sill and it gets light throughout the day but direct sunlight after 3-4pm. I water with compost tea every other watering, as suggested by the plant label.
It does look like it needs a repotting as some of the roots are climbing out under the pot. I think I will repot after it flowers.
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