What's growing on?
These mesclun greens from February are doing very nicely. I will probably wait another week or so before I pick them. The arugula has such an amazing spicy kick to it! Even Jack the dog likes 'em. A couple of days ago I sowed some new mesclun green seeds and one of just spinach. I'm trying to get into the habit of having a balanced meal plan and eating more iron-rich foods. 

Plopped this little garlic clove in the soil when I saw that it was beginning to sprout. The leaves are growing very tall, very quickly!
On the left is the celery that I have been growing for maybe over a month now.. it is growing very, very slowly. Not holding my breathe for celery anytime soon but interesting to see it grow anyway.
These ways of propagating makes me feel like a little cheat but nature allows it so I don't feel so bad.
I repotted my snake plant with new soil (on the left). I propogated this guy from leaf cuttings about 4 years ago and it has grown a bunch of new shoots now.
I need to repot the peace lily (right) soon. I got it as a gift 2 Decembers ago and it hasn't flowered. I left it in the dark for a couple of weeks and then brought it back to the light. Maybe that will trick it into flowering. I do need to give it a little fertilization love though. I am determined to get this thing to flower!
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