Bokashi composting
I started bokashi composting in early March. I checked on it once about 3 weeks ago and saw that it was moldy and mushy (good thing!). There wasn't a huge funk (thankfully) when I opened the lid.
I pushed it down some and added some branches and more kitchen scraps.

I checked on it again today to drain out the compost tea. I used it as fertilizer on my plants.
I pushed it down some and added some branches and more kitchen scraps.

I checked on it again today to drain out the compost tea. I used it as fertilizer on my plants.
I got a lot of compost tea from this batch. I diluted it with water to fertilize my plants. I put in more water than I thought necessary in case it was too potent for the plants.
The bokashi instructions says that after the fermentation process in bucket, the compost still needs to be added to soil to cure it. The instructions did not specify if the bokashi compost is meant to be added to soil in an outdoor setting or not, I added soil into the bucket and closed the lid to see if it will do anything. I don't have the access to an outdoor garden to add into soil so this will do for now.
I'll check back on it in 2 weeks to see if anything changes.
I am going to get some worms this week to do vermiculture composting. The garden at my parents' house has some fatty worms and I'm sure they will enjoy some kitchen scraps.
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